Teaching accessible typography




Key result

University's design department gained an inclusive advanced typography course.


How can design education be more inclusive? This question formed the basis for my design of a cross-cultural typography course for Lesley University’s College of Arts & Design in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Student work from Krista Volenski Wilcox


What do hiring managers want?

Hang tight, this content will arrive soon!


Building an advanced curriculum


After researching and writing about inclusive practices broadly, students applied what they learned to the creation of a biscriptual (using two different scripts, or alphabets) type program for an international festival of (you guessed it) typography.


This type program was then used to produce festival artifacts including an event site and posters.


Supplemental material


Creating a logo and writing a case study were important assignments. To clarify my expectations, I documented criteria for each.



Ready for a global design landscape


Logo research by Joshua Bowen


Mobile website design by Wah Khalsa-Smith


Poster design by Joshua Bowen


Measuring social impact design


Launching a cannabis startup